
martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


Por José Gilberto Valdés                                                       

Hoy he vuelto a recordar uno de los proverbios con los cuales los etíopes expresan sus
Foto de 
Granma newspaper today published an official note on the 
 monetary unification and exchange process that will tak
place in Cuba. (You will see more below).
sentimientos. Susurré el Little by little an egg will walk. (Poco a poco un huevo caminará) cuando la noticia en Radio Reloj me sacó del letargo madrugador. Luego procuré más detalles en la revista televisiva Buenos Días, pues el diario Granma llegó a mis manos al mediodía con la Nota Oficial del Consejo de Ministros.

Cuba acaba de dar el paso inicial en el complejo proceso de unificación monetaria, para restablecer el valor del peso cubano y sus funciones como dinero.

Durante dos décadas, la economía doméstica  de las familias cubanas, al igual que entidades productivas y presupuestadas,  se han sostenido en la doble moneda. Por una parte, el CUP es el peso cubano que recibe la población como salario para sus gastos, y también, entre otras cosas, es la base de la actividad presupuestaria de la nación. Por otra, el CUC es el peso convertible equivalente al dólar,  que circula para la adquisición de bienes importados y determinados servicios, como los turísticos.

En modo alguno, esta medida solucionará el problema de ahora para ahorita. En nuestro país se acaba de emprender una marcha rigurosa y planificada, que durará meses  para sortear uno de los principales obstáculos en el camino de perfeccionar el modelo económico, socialista, cubano.

No puede haber margen al error. ¿Qué pasaría si de golpe y porrazo se elimina el CUC? No hay que ser muy duchos en materias económicas para saber que sería el advenimiento de una inflación comparable con  la afrontada por nuesro país en los finales de la década del noventa, con los consecuentes desabastecimientos.

En ese sentido, el documento emitido por el Consejo de Ministros destaca los pasos pruedentes:

Los principales cambios en esta primera etapa, se producirán en el sector de las personas jurídicas, a fin de propiciar las condiciones para el incremento de la eficiencia, la mejor medición de los hechos económicos y el estímulo a los sectores que producen bienes y servicios para la exportación y la sustitución de importaciones.
Se comenzará por un periodo de preparación de condiciones que permitirá la elaboración de las propuestas de normas jurídicas, los diseños de los cambios de los sistemas informáticos encargados de los registros contables y los ajustes en las normas de contabilidad. Será una etapa esencial igualmente para la capacitación de las personas que deben acometer la ejecución de las diferentes transformaciones.”
Los cambios para más socialismo están en marcha. Los pasos están guiados por los más de 300 Lineamientos aprobados por el Sexto Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba y fruto de amplios y democráticos intercambios con el pueblo.

 Habrá más noticias alentadoras para todos,  pues nuestro país  avanza gradualmente,   sin prisa, pero sin pausa.

Cuba will start the process of monetary unification for legal persons and natural persons.

Havana, Cuba, Oct 22.- Granma newspaper today published an official note on the monetary unification and exchange process that will take place in Cuba, which we reproduce in full below.
The Guideline No. 55 of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, approved by the Sixth Congress of the PCC states: "We will move toward monetary unification, taking into account labor productivity and effectiveness of distributive and redistributive mechanisms. Due to its complexity, this process will require careful preparation and execution, both in the objective and subjective aspects".

In compliance with this Guideline, the Council of Ministers agreed to enforce the implementation of a schedule of measures that will lead to monetary and exchange rate unification.

As reported , monetary and exchange rate unification is not a measure that resolves on its own all the current economic problems, but its implementation is essential to ensure the restoration of the value of the Cuban peso and its functions as money, as a unit of account, means of payment and store of value .

This, coupled with the implementation of other policies aimed at updating the economic model, will facilitate the management of the economic environment and consequently the correct measurement of its results.

Cuba will start the process of monetary unification for legal persons and natural persons.

The main changes in this first stage will occur in the field of legal persons, in order to create the conditions for increased efficiency, better measurement of economic events and encouraging the sectors that produce goods and services for export and import substitution.

Cuba will start by a period of preparation of conditions that allow the development of proposed legal rules, the design of the changes in the computer systems responsible for the accounting records and adjustments in accounting standards. It will be an essential step for training also people who should undertake the execution of the various transformations.

Cuban President Raul Castro Ruz in his closing speech at the first regular session of the Eighth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power , last July , spoke about the process of implementation of the Guidelines as follows: " I ??wish to reiterate on this front of strategic significance we have continue moving forward and we can already observe the first encouraging results , although it is true that there is a long and complicated way to update our economic and social model , ensuring the majority of the population support this process , which excludes the use of shock therapies and leaving millions of people homelessness as the adjustment policies implemented in recent years in several countries in the rich Europe have done" .

As has been the practice followed during the years of the Cuban Revolution, no action taken in the monetary field is to harm those who legitimately earn their income in CUC and CUP.

 In this sense , the process of monetary unification that respects the principles of trust earned by people who have kept their savings in banks Cuban in CUC, CUP and other international currencies, remains intact and continue to apply the current policy of subsidies at retail prices and people where needed, while the country's economic conditions require it. The CUC and the CUP are Cuban currencies issued by the Central Bank of Cuba and maintain its full support .

From now on they will continue extending the possibility of accepting in stores that sell in CUC, payments made in CUP using debit cards.

Experimentally at selected locations people may make cash payments in CUP for the equivalent calculated at the CADECAs exchange rate of 25 CUP by 1 CUC.

According to the progress of the implementation of the schedule, they will be giving details on the measures that apply at all times, while the entities specialists should be involved in its implementation, along the population.(ACN)

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